Différentes sortes de récifs artificiels.

Comme de nombreux autres pays à travers le monde, les Philippines se sont aperçues que les récifs coralliens étaient en voie de disparition, gravement menacés ou en danger de disparaitre à brève échéance. Ces récifs sont essentiels à la survie de nombreuses espèces marines.

L’humanité ne peut pas revenir en arrière ni complètement remplacer ce qui a été détruit ou ce qui a subit des dommages irréversibles. Ceci résulte à la fois du réchauffement des océans, de la pollution marine, de la surpêche, etc.

Néanmoins il est possible de faire un minimum afin de pouvoir sauver ce qui peut encore l’être. Des initiatives de plus en plus nombreuses se mettent en place avec la réalisation de récifs artificiels qui sont déposés au fond des mers.

Ceci afin de protéger certaines espèces et de faciliter leurs reproduction. Des sanctuaires pour les poissons et des habitats pour de nombreuses autres espèces sont ainsi mis en place le long des côtes philippines.
Je vous parle ici d’une initiative qui se situe à Oton, dans la province de ‘’Iloilo’’.

More than 200 artificial reefs were dropped into the sea in Oton, Iloilo in a bid to restore marine resources in the area. A simple ceremony attended by the fishermen, local officials of Oton and Governor Arthur Defensor was held at the Oton Municipal Fishport on Thursday, January 31, to mark the activity.

The artificial reefs composed of 160 units jackstone-type artificial reefs, 30 units bamboo pyramid type artificial reefs, and 25 units condo-type artificial reefs were built by the fishermen themselves with funding coming from the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, the Iloilo Provincial Government and the Municipal Government of Oton. ILOILO.

Some of the condo type artificial reefs or the so-called fish condominiums that were deployed on the sea waters of Oton, Iloilo. (Contributed photo) Mayor Vicente Flores said they seriously worked for the deployment of artificial reefs on the municipal waters of Oton in support of Defensor’s program on the conservation of marine resources.

Flores also said the project would help efforts to revive fishing in the municipal waters of Oton, which they would be promoting through the holding of the Pamunit Festival. Defensor noted that marine resources not only in Oton but all over the province have seriously depleted through the years due to wanton fishing activities aggravated by illegal fishing practices.

He said the artificial reefs would serve as habitat of fishes and other marine resources. Last year, Defensor also led the deployment of artificial reefs in Barangay Barosbos, Carles; Barangay Tanza, Estancia; and Barangay Nasidman, Ajuy on separate occasions. Defensor said he has been supporting the installation of artificial reefs since his early years as governor in the 90s. Ever since, he said, feedback from fishermen showed that the artificial reefs really helped restore the abundance of fishes and other marine resources.

Une autre initiative non pas d’un organisme ou d’officiels philippins, mais d’un plongeur de nationalité anglaise qui se trouve à Gensan (général Santos), sur la grande île de Mindanao.

Une initiative totalement privée et une opération réalisée entièrement par des bénévoles.

Cambridge Dive Center at present has an ongoing Artificial Reef Project which was started on the 17th April 05. This project will help to restore damaged coral areas of reef and also construct new areas of reef where none existed before!

Environmentally friendly concrete domes are constructed and deployed on the sea bed from 12 to 50 feet deep! Holes are set in the outer shell of the domes in order to give access to the hollow center of the domes where fish and other forms of marine creatures can have habitat and hide from larger predators!

Holes are predrilled on the outer shell of the dome in which coral transplants can be set; this is proving that corals can easily be transplanted direct without any special preparation! Soft corals have managed to attach themselves to the domes in as little as two weeks from the domes being set in the water!

Many other forms of marine organisms are already attaching themselves to the outer surface, some to survive while some are food for other creatures! Many fish are taking up habitat in and around the domes especially on sandy areas where there was no cover before the domes were set! To break up the standard shape of a dome we add what we call extensions!

These are concrete pieces of random size and shape which also have transplant holes drilled in them. These are very effective and can be transferred to new domes once growth has started! The domes are of a size which can be moved into position by a single diver and can be stacked and set together to form a reef of any shape and size.

Most artificial reef projects need heavy lifting gear to set the reef modules, with only manpower required to move our domes makes great savings on costs!

This project is totally non profit, all donations from Clubs, Business and private individuals go to construct the domes, all transport to site, labor to get the domes in the water and divers to set the domes on the sea bed are all voluntary by a small group of dedicated people who want to restore the reefs back to their original form!

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