C’est assez rare pour que je le souligne et que je le commente. Un sondage sur l’église et un sondage qui n’est pas en faveur de l’Église Catholique Philippine.

Imaginez que ce sondage nous fait savoir qu’un Philippin sur onze, presque 10 % tout de même, songerait à quitter l’église catholique.

Dans différents posts je vous ai fait part de mes impressions ; à savoir une forte défection des fidèles dans les églises traditionnelles, la montée en puissance d’Iglesia Ni Christo et, bien que cela reste plus caché, un certain renouveau de l’Islam.   

9,2 % disent avoir des doutes au sujet de leur religion.

C’est bien visible à Ternate où, il y a encore dix ans de cela, l’église catholique faisait le plein pour les deux messes dominicales. Je pense même qu’il y avait une troisième ce jour-là. De nos jours, c’est à peine si quelques dizaines de fidèles viennent encore prier, l’église est loin d’être pleine.

Durant la Semaine Sainte, le recueillement était de rigueur il y a encore quelques années De nos jours une majorité des Philippins se rend sur les plages de l’archipel, non pas pour prier ou se recueillir, mais pour boire et manger. Lavent-ils maintenant leurs pêchés dans l’eau de mer, comme ils le faisaient jadis en se faisant asperger d’eau bénite ?

Iglesia Ni Christo, que je considère plus comme une secte que comme une église, fait très fort. En moins de dix ans ce sont deux églises qui ont été construites dans la ville de Ternate. Deux églises, deux vaisseaux devrais-je dire, qui viennent s’ajouter à une modeste chapelle qui existait de longue date.

Mais revenons en au sondage, que nous apprend-il ?
Vous allez avoir des surprises !

One in every eleven Filipino Catholics admitted that they sometimes think of leaving the Church, a new Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey showed.

Of the 1,200 registered voters in the nationwide poll conducted Feb. 15-17, a total of 9.2 percent said they have had doubts about their religion.

This ratio is the sum of the 2.5 percent of Catholic respondents who "strongly agree" and 6.7 percent who "somewhat agree" to the statement that "Sometimes I think that I might leave the Catholic Church."

In contrast, 11.4 percent of the respondents said they "somewhat disagree", 74.2 percent "strongly disagree" with the statemen.

Respondents who neither disagree nor disagree with the statement comprised 5.2 percent of the total, SWS said.

The February survey was the first time SWS fielded a question about leaving the Catholic church, although the pollster has had data on religion and church attendance.

The question, SWS said, was posed "as a public service" in response to recent assertions that "people have been leaving the Catholic Church" and "people are about to leave the Church."

"Having thoughts of leaving the Catholic Church is more common among Catholics who do not consider themselves as very religious, who attend Church monthly at most, and whose church attendance is less now than five years ago," SWS said.

Catholicism, however, remained as the most widespread religions in the Philippines, with SWS data pegging it at 81 percent as of February 2013.

Catholics were followed in number by Protestants (6 percent), Muslims (6 percent), Iglesia ni Cristo (3 percent) and other Christians (3 percent).

Aside from data on Pinoy Catholics who want to leave the Church, SWS also found that "compared to those of other religions, Catholics are less religious... and attend Church less frequently."

Only 37 percent of Catholics claim they go to church at least weekly.

This compared to 75 percent among Muslims, 70 percent among members of Iglesia ni Cristo, 64 percent among protestants and 62 percent among other Christians.

Catholics who attend church services less frequently now compared to five years ago also outnumber those who report going to church more often.

Those who said they attend church more frequently now from five years ago comprised 18 percent of Catholic respondents, whereas 27 percent attend less frequently now, for a net difference of -9.

A more dismal ratio has been reported, however, among Muslims (-26 net) and members of Iglesia ni Cristo (-22 net).

Those who claim they go to church more frequently now from five years ago, meanwhile, outnumber those who say they do so less frequently among Protestants (+12 net) and other Christians (+1 net).

SWS nonetheless noted that "in the Philippines, a plurality of adults are weekly worshipers : 43% attend church/masjid at least once a week."

Meanwhile, 22 percent percent attend church/masjid two or three times a month, 21 percent attend once a month, 9 percent attend 2-11 times a year, and 5 percent attend once a year at most.

Etonnant ce sondage … qu’en pensez-vous ?

Comments are welcome.

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<  http://www.expatauxphilippines.blogspot.com  > 
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< http://www.maretraiteauxphilippines.blogspot.com >

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sous titré, 

Chercher Trouver et Marier une Pinay,

S’adresse à tous les hommes occidentaux  qui souhaitent trouver aux pays des 7.107 îles celle qui deviendra la compagne de leur vie.

Un livre complet qui aborde tous les sujets sans tabous.
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Mon petit livre 

101 façons de Générer des Revenus aux Philippines, pour y vivre’’ est maintenant disponible. 

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