Des Igloos aux Philippines ! Rassurez-vous, des igloos en ciment, sans neige et sans pingouins ! Bien qu’avec le changement climatique qui semble affecter notre bonne vieille terre, sait-on jamais ce qui pourrait arriver et préparons nous au pire. The Cebu Provincial Board has urged the Department of Education and the Department of Public Works and Highways, as well as their partners in the private sector, to consider the construction of igloo-like school buildings. The structure, called as “Cory Aquino modular type” buildings like the ones existing in Balamban town, is considered typhoon-resilient. In an approved resolution authored by Board Member Grecilda Sanchez, the PB argued that in public schools super typhoon Yolanda devastated last year, the igloo buildings were allegedly unscathed. Sanchez’s father, the late Cebu vice governor Gregorio Sanchez, made a similar appeal during his time. When Yolanda struck last year, it caused P559.8 million in d...