
Showing posts from 2009
This is a computer translation of the original webpage. It is provided for general information only and should not be regarded as complete nor accurate. Source Language: French Target Language: English This post was published to I LIVE IN PHILIPPINES At 12:37: 07 AM 10/22/2009 LIVING IN THE PHILIPPINES, BUDGET   To live in the Philippines, which budget? It is a subject which we regularly tackle between ''expats'', we also make comparisons with other countries like Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. It is not a fixed amount, each one among us has his own budget which depends on several factors such as: size of the family, house or apartment, place of residence, life style, employees, vehicles, and… incomes. With very little difference we arrived at the following conclusion: it is completely possible to live correctly in the Philippines with a monthly budget of 750/800 USD (550 to 600 €). Some make it with less. 1,000/1,200 € per month and you live like a kin...


This morning, up at 0530H, I immediately noticed the lack of light inside the house. A glance outside confirmed my first impression, something is wrong with the meteorology. Low ceiling, black clouds that spin at high speed, wind blowing in gusts and its rains.

Some place in Palawan
