La leçon chinoise aux journalistes philippins Voila maintenant que l'attaché militaire auprès de l'Ambassade de Chine à Manille donne des leçons de journalisme aux médias philippins. Quand on sait comment est traitée la liberté de la presse en Chine, il y a de quoi se poser des questions. Ce sont 92 bateaux chinois qui se trouvent maintenant sur le Scarborough Schoal. A diplomat from a country not exactly known for promoting press freedom on Tuesday gave Filipino reporters a lecture on how to report the news. The diplomat, Senior Col. Chen Fangming, defense attaché of the Chinese Embassy, went to the extent of asking the reporters whether they studied journalism. Chen gave his lesson on reporting right inside the Philippine Navy headquarters when he was interviewed on the occasion of the Navy’s 114th anniversary rites. Chen was among the foreign military guests invited to the affair. The Chinese diplomat was asked about the Philippine-Chinese standof...