A Ternate, ville de 20.000 habitants, sans industries, sans mines, sans plantations, pratiquement sans rizières et quasiment sans fermes, je ne pense pas que de nombreux enfants soient exploités et obligés de travailler dès leur plus jeune âge.

Oui, dans les montagnes il se pourrait que quelques enfants travaillent pour leurs familles dans les petits potagers que les squatters cultivent. D’autres vont certainement glaner du bois dans la forêt et certains pêcheurs emmènent sûrement des enfants de moins de 16 ans pour les aider dans leur dur labeur.

Il y a bien quelques gamins de 14 à 15 ans qui font le ‘’Boti’’ et qui sillonnent la ville, montés sur de minis vélos, mais c’est loin d’être une généralité, plutôt des exceptions.

Oh, il doit bien y avoir ici et là quelques gamines qui doivent rester à la maison pour aider aux tâches ménagères et surveiller leurs plus jeunes frères et sœurs, mais peut-on dans un pays comme les Philippines considérer cela comme une exploitation ?

Par contre, je constate que de nombreux jeunes en âge d’être scolarisés ne vont pas à l’école.
Les garçons traînent en bandes et les petites filles restent à la maison.

Le pourcentage de ces laissés pour compte pourrait être important et atteindre trente pour cent.

Les familles n’ont pas les moyens financiers de les mettre à l’école, surtout quand la famille est nombreuse et ici la famille nombreuse est le lot commun.

At least 70,000 companies nationwide will undergo thorough inspection by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) beginning 2014 to check if they are complying with labor laws.
Labor Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz on Thursday said the department will implement to the full extent the Labor Law Compliance System (LLCS) next year.

It aims to reduce cases of labor-related violations by deploying labor law compliance officers (LLCOs) to inspect business establishments.

"The special audit and assessment of business establishments all over the country... will ensure that businessmen are paying the correct amount of minimum wage to their workers and... are not employing child workers," Baldoz said at the "Red Card to Child Labor" press conference organized by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in Taguig City.

Since May, DOLE hired 372 LLCOs to inspect “priority” business establishments: engaged in hazardous work that employ child workers engaged in contracting and subcontracting arrangements engaged in Philippine-registered domestic shipping that employ 10 or more individuals. LLCS was established to encourage company owners to heed labor laws, Baldoz said.

Companies that enforce labor laws will receive a certificate of compliance. Non-compliant establishments will receive technical assistance from DOLE and be closely monitored by LLCOs.

"The issuance of certificates of compliance is an encouragement to company owners to be follow labor laws and make their employees aware of their rights. Having a certificate of compliance means an establishment will no longer be inspected if they are complying with labor laws for two years. This means less bother for the owners," she said.

3 million child workers

According to a 2011 National Statistics Office Survey on Children, at least 3 million Filipino child workers aged five to 17 were working under poor conditions. Ninety-nine of the child workers were engaged either in farming or mining – jobs considered hazardous – where they are exposed to toxic chemicals.

ILO country director Lawrence Jeff Johnson said the Philippines made significant progress in the issue of child labor, but much needs to be done to keep them out of poor and dangerous conditions.

Johnson said providing gainful employment to parents is one of the keys to keep children from being forced to work.

"No parent wants to see their children work under hazardous conditions, but many children are forced to work out of necessity,” he said. “We need to reach out more to barangays and families to show there are alternative sources of livelihood for them instead of allowing their children to work," Johnson added.

The Red Card to Child Labor is a global campaign ILO launched last week to stop the use of children in factories and businesses. The campaign has gained the support of several Hollywood stars such as Oscar-winning actor and singer, Cher.

A red card in sports, including football, indicates a serious offense.

The campaign was launched in the Philippines on Thursday with a mini-concert and a football tournament at the Emperador Stadium in Taguig City. There were 200 former child workers at the launch.

The former child workers learned football at the Younghusband Football Academy owned by Philippine Azkals players Phil and James Younghusband.

Phil Younghusband said teaching the sport to poor kids is their way supporting the campaign to end child labor in the Philippines. "We're very supportive of the Red Card campaign, because we know how important children are to the future of football in the Philippines, he said.

“We've committed to hold tournaments and football clinics for the children quarterly because we want to be involved in this project on a long-term basis," Younghusband added.

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Épouser une Femme Philippine”

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Chercher Trouver et Marier une Pinay,

S’adresse à tous les hommes occidentaux  qui souhaitent trouver aux pays des 7.107 îles celle qui deviendra la compagne de leur vie.

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101 façons de Générer des Revenus aux Philippines, pour y vivre’’ est maintenant disponible. 

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