Que sont les dernières nouvelles de Davao ?

L'utilisation des sacs de plastiques, les problèmes de drogues et les tests pour ces produits.

Davao, toujours en avance ?

THE City Council is set to amend the provision of the ordinance that bans the use of plastic bags and polystyrene foam, commonly known as "styro foam" that takes effect starting June 28.

Councilor Melchor Quitain, chair of the City Council committee on ethics and good governance, said the implementation of the plastic ban will continue pending the plan of the council to amend the ordinance.
"There is really a need for us to make some amendments for us to take on the law," Quitain said.Quitain said no matter how broad and how general the law is, there's no other choice but to implement it without the legal remedies taken to amend or repeal a portion of the law to get rid of the ambiguity of the law.

Among the issues that need to be addressed include the scope of the ban as to the specific types of plastics that should be banned, among others.

Quitain admitted that the law is too broad and general that could trigger conflicts and misunderstanding.
Meanwhile, Lawyer Joseph Dominic Felizarta, chief of the Davao City Environment and Natural Resources Office (Cenro), said they will still implement the ban even with the ongoing plans to amend it.

The ban for all non-biodegradable bags (with handle) will start on June 28, while the polystyrene foam ban will be moved to indefinite time.
Based on their estimate, there are 31,000 to 34,000 establishments here that are set to comply with the policy.

Violators of the order will face either administrative or criminal cases, if proven guilty.


HE City Anti-Drug Abuse Council (Cadac) said illegal drug trade in Davao City has increased compared the previous years.

Lawyer Eliseo Braganza, Cadac action officer, said based on reports from Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) Davao Region, supply of illegal drugs in the city has not ceased.
Braganza, however, said this does not mean that the city's problem on illegal drugs has become uncontrollable compared to other cities.

"A big supply is still coming in from other areas because of the potential market here," Braganza said.
Based on their observation, most of the illegal drugs dumped here are from Cotabato and Misamis areas through various entry points including airports and seaports.

"Our responsibility now is to decrease the demand of illegal drugs," he said.

As of 2001, Cadac, along with PDEA has conducted information campaign in 93 schools across the city to educate the students on the possible effects of illegal drugs to their health and to the community as a whole.
"It is not as serious as other cities in the country," Braganza.

PDEA chief Emerson Rosales said for the period January to May this year, PDEA has seized 107.75 grams of shabu that is 51 percent higher than the 52 grams confiscated during the same period last year.
PDEA has also confiscated a total of P1.1 million worth of marijuana from January to May in 2011 compared to the P1.3 million worth of marijuana seized for the same period this year.


The passage of the ordinance that would require all business establishments with more than 10 employees to subject their personnel to mandatory drug test will address the city's problems on illegal drugs.
Davao City Councilor Melchor Quitain, chair of the City Council committee on ethics and good governance, said there is a need for the city to have the proposed ordinance passed as soon as possible.
Quitain said the proposed Mandatory Drug Testing Ordinance, which was passed on first reading, is currently under the committee of Health for public hearing.

Quitain said the ordinance will not affect the influx of businessmen who are interested to invest in Davao City.
"It is because everybody hates drugs, everybody wants the proliferation of drugs in Davao City to stop," Quitain said.

Once passed, the ordinance will mandate all business establishments here to subject all their employees to mandatory drug testing before they could get their business permit renewed.

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